, 27 March 2024, The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the department) has released findings of community research on the classification of certain film and computer game content. The department commissioned the Community Standards study as part of its classification research program. Orima Research conducted the research with participants from across Australia, including young people, parents and carers, adult gamers, First Nations people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. The research had a particular focus on tolerance levels for coarse language and other content rated at the G, PG and M levels. While participants agreed with the current classifications of most content presented, some responses indicated potential shifts in community standards. For example, there was greater tolerance for some expletive language, but lower tolerance for discriminatory language. The research findings will be used to inform future policy development and the work of the Classification Board in ensuring classification is consistent with community expectations. You can view the report on the Research and Publications page of the Classification website.